
P – Phosphorus

P – Phosphorus

P – Phosphorus

For the determination of phosphorus, the sample to be analyzed is converted into an analyzable solution by using high-purity reagents. Depending on the sample matrix and the expected phosphorus content, different digestion systems are available. The detection is performed by optical emission spectrometry with an inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES). The digestion solution is transported into an argon plasma after nebulisation and the phosphorus atoms are excited to emit light. The wavelength of the emitted light is element-specific and is detected after spectral decomposition within a polychromator by using CID-technology.

Which concentrations can be determined?

Phosphorous can be analyzed as major, minor and trace component.
Limits of quantification of a few mg/kg are possible depending on the sample matrix.

Which sample matrix can be analyzed?

Almost all solid and liquid matrices can be analyzed.

What are typical tasks?

  • P-determination of organic or organometallic compounds
  • P-determination of agricultural, soil or rock samples
  • P-trace determination of metals, semiconductors or oxides

Which sample quantity is required for the analysis?

P as major component: ≥ 1.0 mg
P as trace component (few mg/kg): approx. 100 mg / matrix dependent

Which methods are available?

  • Spectroscopic detection after digestion by ICP-AES
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